Shades of laughter for soprano, clarinet and piano (2024)
La Vita e bella (con un piccolo aiuto) in memoriam Cornel Taranu for flute, clarinet, violin and piano (2023)
Vioflutin forte for flute and violin (2023)
Dancing Enneagram for flute ensemble (2023)
Trijoy for two clarinets and bassoon (2023)
Printemps, verdure for flute, violin, viola, violoncello, percussion, harp and piano (2022)
Four shots for two guitars (2022)
Cromojoy for saxophone quartet (2022)
Ruvidoki for string quartet (2022)
Suflolipicius for flute ensemble (2022)
Remoriam for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2022)
Sunny bagatelle for four violins (2021)
Cu mâne zilele-ţi adaogi for baritone and piano on a poem by Mihai Eminescu (2021)
Cinci cântece for soprano and piano on verses by Lucian Blaga (2021)
Ritmandola for mandolin and percussion (2021)
Escoucou for clarinet, violin and violoncello (2021)
Brukenschlager for flute, piano and percussion (2021)
Rough beauty for taragoto and bayan (2021)
Ce rămâne din viaţă for soprano and clarinet on a poem by Robert Șerban (2021)
În nici un chip for soprano and violin on a poem by Robert Șerban (2021)
Pasărea de crom for soprano, clarinet and violin on a poem by Robert Șerban (2021)
the Water of Life for soprano and violin on a poem by Rumi (2021)
Innocent dark blue for bass clarinet and marimba (2021)
What's beyond the frantic movement of the mind? for saxophone and accordion (2021)
Cinci lieduri for soprano and piano on verses by Robert Șerban (2021)
He who saw the Deep for duduk, violin, cello and percussion (2020)
Anu' ăsta mai vine Moș Crăciun? for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2020)
Stalactita for soprano and piano on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2020)
Can you find the Unmoving? for recorders, panflute, viola, accordion and percussion (2020)
Microhaideniada for two violins, two violas and cello (2019)
Red Time for trombone and piano (2019)
O degli Eneadi madre for soprano and flute on verses by Titus Lucretius (2019)
Published by The Villa of Composers
Tevana - The Garden of Joy - for flute, vibraphone, marimba and piano (2019)
Transonique for bass clarinet and accordion (2019)
Coloana sonoră for violin, clarinet and piano based on the sculptures made by Tajo (2019)
ThunderBach for Thunder Tube, flute, vibraphone and piano based on Goldberg Variations by J. S. Bach and Thunderstruck by AC / DC (2019)
Revedere for two sopranos and piano on a poem by Mihai Eminescu (2019)
Anciralus for oboe and tenor saxophone (2019)
Roaring silence for violin, cello and piano (2019)
Lumina for soprano and violin based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2019)
She and He for two violins (2019)
Vreau să joc for soprano and clarinet based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2019)
Melancolie for soprano and violin based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2019)
Iarbă for soprano, clarinet and violin based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2019)
Agnis for viola, horn and trombone (2019)
Translucent resonances for overtone voice, bassoon, violin, viola and double bass (2018)
The beauty of losing control for Zither, Hackbrett, Accordion and string quintet (2018)
Lacrimosa - in memoriam Petru Maier Bianu - on a theme by W. A. Mozart for viola and guitar (2018)
Clarobassus soundflash for clarinet in Bb and bass guitar (2018)
Interferențe for bass voice, clarinet in Bb, violin and piano (2018)
cu năduf for flute and piano (2018)
The Story of a Dancing Coral for flute, tenor saxophone and piano (2018)
Sonic visions for flute ensemble (2018)
Birds and Trains for violin and cello (2018)
Clariphonos for clarinet quartet (2017)
Luminescence for two flutes and piano (2017)
Semnale peripatetice for soprano, violin, cello and piano (2017)
Rituel du Potlogi for vibraphone and marimba (2017)
Clavirgus for clarinet and viola (2017)
Gorunul for soprano and violin based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2016)
Unde un cântec este for soprano and violin based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2016)
Sufletul satului for soprano, flute and violin based on a poem by Lucian Blaga (2016)
Christ chapel for soprano and violin (2016)
Flatuor for four flutes (2016)
Flacelis for flute and cello (2016)
Linişte for soprano and clarinet using Lucian Blaga's poem (2012 rev. 2016)
Beata viscera - Magnus Perotinus - arrangement for soprano, clarinet, violin and piano (2016)
O virtus Sapientiae - Hildegard von Bingen - arrangement for soprano, clarinet, violin and piano (2016)
O ignee Spiritus - Hildegard von Bingen - arrangement for soprano and violin (2016)
Song of the Avadhut for soprano and violin (2015)
Invocatio for soprano and violin (2015)
De amicitia for two guitars (2015)
Campanula for two guitars (2015)
Viccordion for viola and accordion (2015)
For Amadeus for two guitars (2015)
Sattva for bass flute, violin and piano (2015)
Descântec for soprano and chromatic button accordion (2015)
The Ceremony of Innocence for organ and percussion (2014)
Chronos phagos – The Eater of Time for soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto and cello (2014)
Translucence for violin and cello (2014)
The One you are looking for is the One who is looking for flute and guitar (2014)
Khabira – the Seer of All for shakuhachi, duduk, setar, qanoon, kemence, bass clarinet, violin, cello and percussion (2014)
Indira for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion (2014)
The Prophet - on Beauty for soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano using a poem by Kahlil Gibran (2014)
Omagiu lui Enescu for violin and piano (2011 rev. 2014)
Dans ritualic for tenor saxophone, amplified classical guitar, chromatic button accordion and piano (2014)
The Wheel of Time for flute, piano, organ and two percussion players (2014)
éthéré for two flutes, clarinet and guitar (2013)
Frescobaldi' s winter dream for soprano, flute, oboe, viola, cello and tambourine (2013)
Ara for duduk and two percussion players (2013)
Pāramitā I for flute and chromatic button accordion (2011 rev. 2013)
Für Terpsichore for two piano players (2013)
Faces of Oneness for baritone, flute, bass clarinet, violin and percussion (2013)
Complementarium - in memoriam Jonathan Harvey for soprano,clarinet, violin, cello and percussion (2013)
The mystic rose for alto, tenor and string quartet (2012)
Für Enescu for violin and wind quintet (2012)
Linişte for soprano and flute using Lucian Blaga’s poem (2012)
Hommage à Aurel Stroe for tenor and guitar using Heraclit's fragments (2012)
Traulos for oboe, bass clarinet and bassoon (2011)
Musawwira for violin and piano (2010 rev. 2011)
Tat Tvam Asi for tenor, baritone, bass, bass clarinet, violin, cello and Bongos (2011)
ritualistique for bass clarinet and a pair of bongos (2011)
Ancioso for three bassoons (2011)
Sanran for violin and viola (2006 rev. 2011)
Anahit for duduk, guitar and prepared piano (2010)
Three Names of Nothingness
Latifa -the subtle one - for two piano players (2010)
Zahira -the manifest one - for tuba and piano (2010)
Musawwira -the shaper of beauty - for guitar and piano (2010)
Triguna for flute, piano and percussion (2010)
Doğala Doğru for an adjustable microtonal guitar and a standard fretted guitar (2010)
Coincidentia oppositorum for organ and percussion (2009)
Katharythmos for five percussion players (2009)
Sublimation for flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, violin and cello (2009)
Bhava for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion (2009)
Irisation for two piano and two percussion players (2007)
Numai poetul for soprano and piano using Mihai Eminescu's texts (2007)
Download the score in PDF,
Sanran for clarinet and violin (2006)
Rubaiyat for tenor and three flutes using Omar Khayyam's texts (2006)
Eternal Beginning for trumpet, horn and trombone (2006)
Lila - the cosmic dance for string quartet (2005)
Profanul şi Sacrul for two violins and viola (also version for two violins and clarinet) (2004)
Reminiscences I for violin and guitar (2004)
Ritambhara for two guitars (2004)